Exploratory Analysis

# Read genetic data from the data set
cross1 <- read.cross("csv", file = "Lyons1.csv", 
                     genotypes = c("D", "H", "C"), 
                     na.strings = "-", alleles = c("D", "C"))

# Plot a jittermap of the genetic data - jitters the data so no two markers are on the same spot

# Summarize the genetic data

# Extract the names of phenotypes

# Estimate recombination frequencies - Helps us to understand how clean the data is
cross1 <- est.rf(cross1)

Plot 1

plotRF(cross1) #Plots the pairwise recombination data to understand how clean the data is.
#Clean if there are no large red spots
plot.map(cross1) #Plots the positions of the genetic markers on the chromosomes
plotMissing(cross1) #Plots the locations of missing genotypes on the chromosome map, we don't want may missing spots
gallscore <- cross1$pheno$gallstone_score
gallcount <- cross1$pheno$gallstone_count
gallweight <- cross1$pheno$gallstone_weight
chmcagg <- cross1$pheno$ChMC_agg
#Looking to see if the distribution of the data is approximately normal. 
par(mfrow = c(2, 2))



par(mfrow = c(1,1))
#Setting up the basic settings for the main scan for all the variables. 
#We are using a step size of 2 and the Haldane method to map the data. 
cross1 <- calc.genoprob(cross1, step=2.0, off.end = 0.0, error.prob = 1.0e-4, 
                        map.function = "haldane", stepwidth = "fixed")
cross1 <- sim.geno(cross1, step=2.0, off.end = 0.0, error.prob = 1.0e-4, 
                        map.function = "haldane", stepwidth = "fixed")
#Creating a mainscan analysis for the gallscore data using 100 permutations
cross1.scan.gallscore <- scanone(cross1, pheno.col = gallscore, model = "normal", method = "em")
cross1.scan.gallscore.perm <- scanone(cross1, pheno.col = gallscore, model = "normal", method = "em", n.perm = 100) 
Permutation 5 
Permutation 10 
Permutation 15 
Permutation 20 
Permutation 25 
Permutation 30 
Permutation 35 
Permutation 40 
Permutation 45 
Permutation 50 
Permutation 55 
Permutation 60 
Permutation 65 
Permutation 70 
Permutation 75 
Permutation 80 
Permutation 85 
Permutation 90 
Permutation 95 
Permutation 100 
#Plotting the gallscore main scan data with threshold lines
plot(cross1.scan.gallscore, main = "Main Scan Plot of Gallscore")
thresh <- summary(cross1.scan.gallscore.perm, alpha = c(0.37, 0.10, 0.05))
abline(h=thresh[1], col = "blue")
abline(h=thresh[2], col = "green")
abline(h=thresh[3], col = "red")
#Creating a summary of the main scan
summary(cross1.scan.gallscore, perm = cross1.scan.gallscore.perm, alpha = 0.05, pvalues = TRUE)
summary(cross1.scan.gallscore, perm = cross1.scan.gallscore.perm, alpha = 0.10, pvalues = TRUE)
summary(cross1.scan.gallscore, perm = cross1.scan.gallscore.perm, alpha = 0.37, pvalues = TRUE)

score <- find.marker(cross1, 2, 53.8)
#Creating an effect plot for the gallscore mainscan run
effectplot(cross1, pheno.col=gallscore, mname1=score)
#Creating a mainscan analysis for the gall count data using 100 permutations
cross1.scan.gallcount <- scanone(cross1, pheno.col = gallcount, model = "normal", method = "hk") #question about pheno.col #

cross1.scan.gallcount.perm <- scanone(cross1, pheno.col = gallcount, model = "normal", method = "hk", n.perm = 100) #question about pheno.col #
Permutation 5 
Permutation 10 
Permutation 15 
Permutation 20 
Permutation 25 
Permutation 30 
Permutation 35 
Permutation 40 
Permutation 45 
Permutation 50 
Permutation 55 
Permutation 60 
Permutation 65 
Permutation 70 
Permutation 75 
Permutation 80 
Permutation 85 
Permutation 90 
Permutation 95 
Permutation 100 
#Plotting the gallscore main scan data with threshold lines
plot(cross1.scan.gallcount, main = "Main Scan Plot of Gall Count")
thresh <- summary(cross1.scan.gallcount.perm, alpha = c(0.37, 0.10, 0.05))
abline(h=thresh[1], col = "blue")
abline(h=thresh[2], col = "green")
abline(h=thresh[3], col = "red")
#Creating a summary of the main scan
#Creating a summary of the main scan with 95% confidence
summary(cross1.scan.gallcount, perm = cross1.scan.gallcount.perm, alpha = 0.05, pvalues = T)
#Creating an effect plot for the gall count mainscan run
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
count1 <- find.marker(cross1, 6, 7.81)
effectplot(cross1, pheno.col=gallcount, mname1=count1)
count2<- find.marker(cross1, 8, 60.14)
effectplot(cross1, pheno.col=gallcount, mname1=count2)
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
cross1.scan.gallweight <- scanone(cross1, pheno.col = gallweight, model = "normal", method = "em") #question about pheno.col #
cross1.scan.gallweight.perm <- scanone(cross1, pheno.col = gallweight, model = "normal", method = "em", n.perm = 100) #question about pheno.col #
Permutation 5 
Permutation 10 
Permutation 15 
Permutation 20 
Permutation 25 
Permutation 30 
Permutation 35 
Permutation 40 
Permutation 45 
Permutation 50 
Permutation 55 
Permutation 60 
Permutation 65 
Permutation 70 
Permutation 75 
Permutation 80 
Permutation 85 
Permutation 90 
Permutation 95 
Permutation 100 
plot(cross1.scan.gallweight, main = "Main Scan Plot of Gall Weight")
thresh <- summary(cross1.scan.gallweight.perm, alpha = c(0.37, 0.10, 0.05))
abline(h=thresh[1], col = "blue")
abline(h=thresh[2], col = "green")
abline(h=thresh[3], col = "red")
summary(cross1.scan.gallweight, perm = cross1.scan.gallweight.perm, alpha = 0.05)
summary(cross1.scan.gallweight, perm = cross1.scan.gallweight.perm, alpha = 0.10)
summary(cross1.scan.gallweight, perm = cross1.scan.gallweight.perm, alpha = 0.37, pvalue = TRUE)
weight <- find.marker(cross1, 8, 61.7)
effectplot(cross1, pheno.col=gallweight, mname1=weight)
cross1.scan.chmcagg <- scanone(cross1, pheno.col = chmcagg, model = "normal", method = "em") #question about pheno.col #
cross1.scan.chmcagg.perm <- scanone(cross1, pheno.col = chmcagg, model = "normal", method = "em", n.perm = 100) #question about pheno.col #
Permutation 5 
Permutation 10 
Permutation 15 
Permutation 20 
Permutation 25 
Permutation 30 
Permutation 35 
Permutation 40 
Permutation 45 
Permutation 50 
Permutation 55 
Permutation 60 
Permutation 65 
Permutation 70 
Permutation 75 
Permutation 80 
Permutation 85 
Permutation 90 
Permutation 95 
Permutation 100 
plot(cross1.scan.chmcagg, main = "Main Scan Plot of Severity of Cholesterol Monohydrate Crystals, aggregates")
thresh <- summary(cross1.scan.chmcagg.perm, alpha = c(0.37, 0.10, 0.05))
abline(h=thresh[1], col = "blue")
abline(h=thresh[2], col = "green")
abline(h=thresh[3], col = "red")
summary(cross1.scan.chmcagg, perm = cross1.scan.chmcagg.perm, alpha = 0.05, pvalues = T)
chol <- find.marker(cross1, 6, 57.8)
effectplot(cross1, pheno.col=chmcagg, mname1=chol)
augmented <-  mqmaugment(cross1, minprob=0.1, verbose = TRUE)
INFO: Received a valid cross file type: f2 .
INFO: Number of individuals: 278 .
INFO: Number of chr: 19 .
INFO: Number of markers: 104 .
INFO: Done with augmentation
# Unique individuals before augmentation:278
# Unique selected individuals:278
# Marker p individual:104
# Individuals after augmentation:1343
INFO: Data augmentation succesfull
INFO: DATA-Augmentation took:  1.281  seconds

ex <- mqmscan(augmented)
ex1 <- scanone(cross1)


real_markers <- mqmextractmarkers(ex)
find.marker(augmented, chr=18, pos=5)

markers2 <-mqmextractmarkers(ex1)
find.marker(cross1, chr=18, pos=8.46)

multitoset <- find.markerindex(augmented, "D18Mit64")
setcofactors <- mqmsetcofactors(augmented, cofactors=multitoset)
mqm_co1 <- mqmscan(augmented, setcofactors)
heatmap(cor(cross1$pheno[,4:15], use="complete.obs"))
par(mfrow = c(1,1))
plot(ex, col = "red")
plot(ex1, add=TRUE, col = "green")
plot(mqm_co1, add= TRUE, col = "blue")
data <- read.csv("LyonsNoQTL.csv", header = TRUE)
data[] <- lapply(data, as.numeric)
data <- na.omit(data)

corr <- round(cor(data), 1)
corrchart <- 
  ggcorrplot(corr, hc.order = TRUE,
             type = "lower",
             lab = TRUE,
             lab_size = 3,
             colors = c("tomato2", "white", "springgreen3"),
             title="Correlogram of Factors for Gallstone Suscebtibility",